Google unveils Lollipop, new Nexus range

Google unveils Lollipop, new Nexus range

This post was originally published on Mashable. Google has announced the next version of Android, formerly known as Android L, will be called Lollipop, officially version 5.0 of the mobile operating system. It also announced the first two devices to run Lollipop: the HTC Nexus 9 tablet and the Motorola Nexus 6. The company also unveiled the first […]

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Robotic octopus can crawl, carry stuff

Robotic octopus can crawl, carry stuff

Scientists have built a robotic octopus that is not only capable of swimming and moving in the same way as its biological inspiration, but that can carry objects in its tentacles. A video of the mechanical creature has been making the rounds after the octopus’ creators, a team of researchers from the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas in Greece, […]

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Amazon Asks FAA For Permission To Test Its Delivery Drones

Amazon Asks FAA For Permission To Test Its Delivery Drones

Amazon has petitioned the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for exemption from rulesbarring it from testing drones in the United States. The online shopping company made waves recently by showing off small unmanned aircraft that it claims will be able to deliver parcels to consumers in 30 minutes. The drone delivery service, called Prime Air, could greatly speed up Amazon’s delivery times, creating […]

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