Mysteries of the Carrington Event, the largest solar superstorm in modern times, unraveled by tree rings

Mysteries of the Carrington Event, the largest solar superstorm in modern times, unraveled by tree rings

HELSINKI, Finland — In the annals of astronomy, few events have captured the imagination quite like the Carrington Event of 1859. Named after the amateur astronomer Richard Carrington who first observed it, this solar superstorm sent shockwaves through the scientific community and left a lasting impact on our understanding of the Sun’s power. A March […]

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PHOTOS: Thousands of creatures CT scanned for scientific discovery, and you can see them all!

PHOTOS: Thousands of creatures CT scanned for scientific discovery, and you can see them all!

GAINESVILLE, Fla. — In an exciting leap forward for science, a revolutionary project is transforming how we see the natural history of vertebrates — animals with backbones like fish, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals. This ambitious initiative, called openVertebrate (oVert), united 18 institutions over six years and digitally captured more than 13,000 specimens in stunning 3D […]

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