Alarming Study Offers Warning For iPhone, Mac Users: Hidden Privacy Dangers Found Lurking In Apple’s Default Apps

Alarming Study Offers Warning For iPhone, Mac Users: Hidden Privacy Dangers Found Lurking In Apple’s Default Apps

ESPOO, Finland — When you first unbox your shiny new iPhone or MacBook, you’re likely eager to dive in and start exploring all the exciting features. However, a startling new study by researchers Amel Bourdoucen and Janne Lindqvist from Aalto University in Finland uncovers some disturbing truths about the privacy implications of Apple’s pre-installed default apps. Their […]

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Flexible, resilient origami-inspired bridges could help navigate disaster zones

Flexible, resilient origami-inspired bridges could help navigate disaster zones

Origami traditionally involves the creation of extremely delicate paper structures, but the art form’s underlying principles could soon be adapted to help navigate tough construction situations. That’s the theory behind a new series of collapsible components designed by a team of University of Michigan engineering professors. When unfolded and assembled using hinges and locks, the […]

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‘Parkour’ robot dog can leap, jump, and crawl its way through complex obstacle courses

‘Parkour’ robot dog can leap, jump, and crawl its way through complex obstacle courses

Four-legged, dog-inspired quadruped robots have already proven capable of a variety of tasks, from remotely monitoring sports stadiums and guiding blind persons to inspecting potentially hazardous research areas. These robots are generally more agile than their hulking bipedal counterparts, but they have mostly failed to match the fluid grace and athleticism of their furry canine […]

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